Full Arch Dental Implants
What are Removable Full Arch Dental Implants?
Full Arch Dental Implant Replacements are sometimes referred to as implant-supported dentures or overdentures. Older style dentures rest solely on gum tissue and the jawbone. Advanced technology, full arch dental implant replacements are secured by titanium dental implant hardware.
Patients who have lost many or most of their teeth are excellent candidates for full arch replacements. The jaw bone must be robust to be able to secure the implants. These overdentures can be removed for easy cleaning and snap into place for a secure tight fit.
What are Fixed All-on-4 Full Arch Replacements?
The All-on-4 concept is newer advanced technology that provides a full arch replacement secured by just four titanium dental implants. This technique is gaining rapid popularity due to the ability for the tooth restoration to be connected to the implants on the same day as your implant surgery. The All-on-4 technology maximizes the jawbone by placing titanium dental implants at strategic angles within the jawbone. The typical approach is to place two straight implants and two angular implants. The All-on-4 method is a fixed replacement that you maintain in your oral cavity and do not remove from your mouth for cleaning.
Dr. Heaton will expertly assess your individual dental implant and periodontal needs and guide you to the best and most affordable dental implant treatment plan suitable for you.

All-on-4 Full Arch Replacements